Contact Us
The Law Office of John R. Vivian, Jr., has a
law office in Easton, Pennsylvania. We are
pleased to serve clients statewide
throughout Pennsylvania.
Phone: (610) 258-6625
Fax: (610) 258-4875
To contact our firm by email, please use the form
provided below.
Please let us know if you need any special
scheduling accommodations such as early
morning, evening or weekend appointments or if
you have travel limitations.
The law offices of John R. Vivian, Jr. represent
clients in Pennsylvania in all of the State and
Federal courts. This law office has provided
representation in numerous other States
including New Jersey. For cases outside the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania our law office
associates with outside counsel and Attorney
Vivian has been admitted in numerous other
jurisdictions as lead trial counsel.
The information contained on this website
should not be relied upon by the public as
legal advice.
John R. Vivian, Jr. only provides legal advice to
clients who have entered into a written
agreement of representation and have retained
his services as a lawyer. Every client's case as
well as every client representation has specific
fact patterns and nuances that require a
specific legal analysis that can only be
accurately assessed within the attorney-client
relationship. Therefore, in assessing any
potential claim this website should not be
relied upon for any legal decisions in
connection with your particular case.